A lot of people think that taking supplements will help boost their health regardless of what they eat, but that isn’t the case. The reality is that you can take supplements all you want, but they won’t fix an already unhealthy diet. In order to give your immunity the support it needs to function properly, you need to analyze the food that you eat. By getting your nutrients from food first, you can then add supplements where you need them in order to maximize your full potential.
There are hundreds of different supplements on the market that range in ingredients, prices, etc., but the key to living a healthy lifestyle is to invest in your health now, so you won’t have to pay to make up for it later. Dr. Nick’s top 4 supplements he recommends are Vitamin D3 with a Probiotic, Vitamin C, Zinc+, and IM support.
Buy them here:
Vitamin D3 + Probiotic:
Vitamin C:
IM Support:
Our nutraceuticals help aid your body by mitigating inflammation, adapting to viruses and bacteria, and so much more! By feeding your body the vitamins and minerals it needs, it will be able to function at its optimal potential!
Stress on the other hand can also have detrimental effects on the immune system, causing individuals to become sick, have anxiety, and make them more susceptible to diseases. Dr. Nick says that in order to relieve some of your mental stress, it’s best to turn off the news and spend time focusing on yourself, your emotions, and how you can prepare for the day.
Furthermore, physical stress on the spine and nervous system hinder your body’s ability to function properly, causing a halt in healing and repair as well. By receiving chiropractic care and following the 5 Essentials® lifestyles, we can strengthen your nervous system in order to help you live your best life!
Contact a MaxLiving office near you to become the healthiest version of yourself: https://maxliving.com/locations/
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